Guide for your Full Moon in Aries Ritual tonight

Guide for your Full Moon in Aries Ritual tonight

Posted by Leonie Lepenos on

🌕 Tonight is THE Full Moon of the year. It’s a Full Moon in Aries ♈️ building upon the Libra New Moon and the overall theme for this month: love. ❤️🌕❤️ In all kind of relationships: romantic, platonic, family, business - Right now you are being encouraged to reflect on the way you approach your relationships & commitments. Where do you feel blocked, where do you need to create more space - what do you want to deepen and commit more? It’s about understanding the freedom of commitment, being in balance of the divine feminine and sacred male energy in order to feel unconditional love. The state. The frequency. Vibing in the energy of pure love. In and out. 


 To deepen and work on this topic the following 2 essential questions might support you in the process you are in right now:  


▪️ How might your hidden fears or wounds be dictating the choices you make within your relationships? Are your decisions made by fear or freedom?


▪️ Could self-doubt be affecting your ability to make deeper connections? In all kind of relationships - it all starts with self love. The love of the self - of the soul. Of being. 


—> Face the truth, let the bright light of this full moon bring everything powerfully from the hidden, from darkness into light - to the surface - face it to heal it. 


—> Write it down: everything that is holding you back - burn it tonight at 11:00 PM Berlin Time 🔥🔥🔥


—> after you have burnt your past: take a new piece of paper and write down 

  1.  How would your decisions and choices be/ look like when you would make them from the state of freedom and abundance? How would you commit then? 
  1. MOONIFEST ! 🌕 Visualize how your life would look like then! When you would have taking decisions from a freedom perspective state of mind? Feel it! Write down all the feelings, emotions, visions! Reclaim your power and manifest on this powerful super moon your brightest future in unconditional love!  Starting anew: in love. With yourself in compassion. 
  1. Feel this tingling, this sparkle, this hope, this Light. Put your left hand onto your heart chakra - feel your heartbeat. This love. This gratitude.  


And yes, it’s okay if it’s getting emotional - it’s about the essence - love. One of the deepest topics ❤️ dare to feel. Love. Unconditional one. You are not alone. We are with you in this together. We see you. We feel you. We got you. Happy Healing Fullmoon. Yours, soulMAATÏs. 🌕


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