The Transformative Jungle Collection
It´s about love. It´s about wilderniss. It´s about power. It´s about passion. It´s about believing. It´s about deciding on which side you stand. It´s about taking action. It´s about fighting for the light, for the highest best.
It´s about T R A N S F O R M A T I O N .
This Collection is all about daring to transform powerfully, reconnecting to your power and discovering your wild side and all the strength in you.
It´s about time to shine – ist about time to own that space – it´s about time to be loud about the things, that are important to you – it´s about time to show up. The world is changing and so are you.
We together are more powerful than we think. Don't let fear take over. Let Love take over.
This collection is about freeing the divine feminine energy of this planet - that heals. That brings peace.
Change. Transformation. Evolving. P E A C E .
We want to empower you to unleash your power, to believe in good, give hope, fight for the light and embody the wild, loud one in you to make a change. That´s why this collection is the loudest and most colourful one, we ever launched. More powerful than ever before.
A strength within has awakened.
Because: YES – we heard you are a wild one. And this is what you need right now – in alignment. Fighting for Love. For Peace. For Healing. We believe in your power. Yes, we truly do. So we created for you – a powerful one.
This collection is channeled by our founder and conscious CEO Leonie Lepenos as always – this time it´s all about the wild divine feminine energy – what the world needs now for healing - in alignment with mother earth for peace.
Deeply rooting. Grounding. Powerful. To elevate the globe. To raise the feminine frequency on this planet. The healing, peaceful energy of this globe.
10% of the revenues of this collection are donated to our Partner Charity Organization, the National Indigenous Women´s Resource Center. NIWRC is providing national leadership to end violence against American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian women by lifting up the collective voices of grassroots advocates and offering culturally grounded resources, technical assistance and training, and policy development to strengthen tribal sovereignty.
So that the feminine healers can continue their work supporting and holding space for the healing of this planet.
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