Be the Light in the Darkness

Be the Light in the Darkness

Posted by Leonie Lepenos on


A personal channelled letter from our founder, medium and energy healer Leonie Lepenos

Dearest MAATÏ MAATÏ community,

Thank you for being here. We see you. And we feel you.

It´s not easy to find the right words in the darkest times – but we never stayed quiet and will try our best to keep on inspiring you also now by representing you a higher perspective.

What is happening at the moment is horrible – the only thing we can do at the moment to support the transformative process we are going through worldwide at the moment is to support energetically the best we can. And war never ended a war. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. (Trigger warning: The following lines might trigger a lot in you – I just share what came through, what I received from higher realms, I just act as a channel in this.) Those of us, who are “safe” can support by sending unconditional love into the situation – if you feel strong enough: please don´t look away – but face it all as much as you can, feel all the pain, all the injustice, all the grief, all the darkest darkness – all the evil – and then send pure unconditional love, visualize it as golden bright shining light not only to the victims, but also to the ones, who cause harm in your eyes - those souls who might have lost track, who got lost and took a wrong path. No matter on which side you stand – send love to your enemy. And I know that this might be the moment, when you want to check out, when that ego voice takes over, when everything comes up, all the anger, aggression, hate, fear, injustice, all those emotions from ourselves (plus our ancestors plus also our collective field). This is exactly when the transformation can happen. Feel it all and do it anyway. Send this love. Through all the pain. Send this light into exactly the darkest pictures and videos you see. It is the hardest and most painful thing to do… I know - but this is how we heal as the human race. Zoom out, see the bigger picture, see energies, see souls - no countries, no religions, no past, no history – but the now. Trying to heal the now for a better future in peace in unity. 

I will soon write another article about the 5th dimension – the 5D New World – and also will publish it in our Magazine online on It is connected – I will explain why before a massive shift the old often fights the darkest and most painful last battles (the 3D world…) before the new can arrive. We are so close – world, hold on, mother earth, keep on protecting us, beloved human race, please awake from this illusion and stop destroying ourselves, but heal - we are almost there. So focus on the light, be that light and spread it. I love you deeply. Thank you for still shining, thank you for still loving. 

We will keep on serving. 
For the Highest Best.



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